Print() your first statement in Python

As a begginer to python, it is always a good idea to start with learning how to make your first print() statement.

A print statement is a one-liner, which involves the word "print" followed by a pair of parantheses(). You place the statement you want to print within the parantheses. The print() statement is a function, which we will get to later.

Printing a sentence

To print a word or a sentence, you type your desired sentence within double quotes "" within the parantheses.

The following example code prints out the statement "Hello World!" to the screen or any other output device you are using.


        print("Hello World!")

Printing numbers

You can print numbers, as shown in the following example:


Using print() for basic aritmetic operations

You can also do some basic arithmetic operations like addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (/). You can run the following code by copying and pasting it into the backend editor for Python by w3schools.


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