Python Comments

When programming in python, comments can be used to explain your code.

Programmers use comments to make their code more readable.

If you want to make a comment, use # followed by the comment you want to make. Python will not execute your comment, that is, anything typed after a # is ignored by the language.

For Example:

        #This is how you make a comment
        #Printing "Hello World!"
        print("Hello World!")

To make multiline comments, you need to insert a # for every new line. For example:

        #This is line 1
        #This is line 2
        #This is line 3

Comments are not always used to explain code, it can also be used to prevent python from executing a piece of code. This helps with debugging your code. In the example below, the first line is not executed whereas the second line is executed:

        #print("Hide this line")
        print("Show this line")

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